Information Technology
To produce highly qualified and motivated graduates with problem solving attitudes, moral values and ethical responsibilities towards profession as well as society.
1) To advance the state of the art in Information Technology and adequately prepare students to meet the challenges of the digital age.
2) Facilitate the development of Academic-Industry collaborations and societal outreach programs.
3) To serve the local and the national community by creating awareness about IT related products with strong communication skills and the ability to function effectively as part of a team.
Program Educational Objective:
1) To develop knowledge in the core areas related to the field of Information Technology.
2) To acquire knowledge to analyze and solve Information Technology problems through application of fundamental knowledge of Math, Science and Engineering
3) To earn values and ethics for successful carrier as engineers in both public and private sector.
4) To obtain knowledge for prosecuting higher study in the field of Information Technology.
5) To grow as an entrepreneur having professional skill and ability.