Mechanical Engineering
To produce industry ready Diploma holder with capability for establishing own enterprise and also to inculcate life-long learning attitude and ethical responsibility among the faculties and student.
1) To nurture the students with basic subject knowledge
2) To promote participation of industries as well as entrepreneurs both in academics and in career counseling.
3) To attract highly qualified adjunct faculties as role model to motivate staff and students for creative thinking.
4) Provide scope for participation in activities to create empathy and ethical responsibility.
5) To provide balanced human being having technical capability and ethical responsibility to the society.
Program Educational Objective:
1) To provide students with fundamental and advanced knowledge in mechanical Engg related domains.
2) To develop ability among students for employability in both public & private sector organization
3) To encourage students to opt higher studies as carrier of choice.
4) To enable students to solve problem of work and life in a scientific way.
5) To develop innovative ideas for facing challenges of critical crisis, specifically at the time of showcasing talents as entrepreneurs.