Dr. Ajudhia Nath Khosla, former Governor of Odisha was a doyen of the DAV movement in Odisha. His wife Smt. Sushilavati Khosla, donated a sum of rupees one lakh from her savings to the D. A. V. Trust, in whose collaboration the D. A. V. trust started the "S.K.D.A.V. POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN" at Rourkela in the year 1967 under their private management to impart diploma education exclusively to girl students in the locality. The entire endeavour was unique and the first of its kind in the state. The institution came under the management of the Govt. of Odisha with effect from 01.04.1974 and later on, in 1990, was shifted to the Govt. building. In year 2011 the name of the institute has been changed to "SKDAV GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC,Rourkela".
Originally the Institution imparted Diploma education in Electronics & Telecommunication, Library Science and Commercial Practice(later on name changed to Modern Office Management) .In 2001 & 2006, new branches Information Technology & Electrical Engineering were introduced respectively. In 2010 new branch on Civil Engineering and in the year 2018 branch of Mechanical engineering has been introduced.
From the year 2013 the institution has been converted to a co-education to impart diploma education to both boys & Girls.
Activities of the institution is monitored by the Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Odisha, Cuttack under the administrative control of the Department of Skill Development & Technical Education, Government of Odisha .
The Courses offered with student intake:
Sl no | Name of the Branch | Intake | Entry qualification | Duration |
1 | Civil Engg. | 60 | 10+ | 3 yrs |
2 | Electrical Engg. | 60 | 10+ | 3 yrs |
3 | Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. | 40 | 10+ | 3 yrs |
4 | Information Technology | 30 | 10+ | 3 yrs |
5 | Mechanical Engineering | 60 | 10+ | 3 yrs |
6 | Post Diploma & Industrial Safety | 60 | Btech, BE/Bsc(Phy, Chem, Math)/Diploma | 1 yrs |
All courses are recognized by AICTE & are offered according to the syllabus prescribed by the State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training, Odisha